蔚盛长票号旧址位于平遥县城南大街13号,县级文物保护单位。 蔚盛长票号是平遥“蔚”字五联号之一。成立于道光六年(1826),由原设于平遥城内的绸缎庄改组而成,总号设在平遥城内。 财东是介休北贾村的侯荫昌和平遥普洞村王培南及几户小股东,经理为汾阳人郭存祀。公元1900年(光绪26年),慈禧太后携光绪皇帝西行路过平遥时,因提取醇亲王汇来的银两下榻蔚盛长票号。1912年经理雷士纬求到了书画篆刻 大师吴昌硕先生的墨宝“光绪行宫”四字,故又名“光绪皇帝下榻处”或“光绪客栈”。 蔚盛长先后在全国各地开设27个分号,1916年歇业,业务范围包括汇兑官款、存款业务、贷款业务。旧址坐西朝东,一进院,占地面积约260平方米,有房屋16间;铺面临街,面阔3间,进深2间。现保存完好 ,被誉为风水宝地。 The former site of weishengchang ticket is located at No. 13, Chengnan street, Pingyao County, a county-level cultural relics protection unit. Wei Shengchang ticket number is one of the five couplets of "Wei" in Pingyao. Founded in the sixth year of Daoguang (1826), it was reorganized from the silk shop originally located in Pingyao City, and the general number is located in Pingyao City. Caidong is Hou Yinchang of Beijia village in Jiexiu, Wang Peinan of Heping yaopudong village and several minority shareholders. The manager is Guo cunsi from Fenyang. In 1900 ad (26th year of Guangxu), Empress Dowager Cixi and Emperor Guangxu passed Pingyao on a westbound journey. She stayed in weishengchang ticket office for extracting the silver remitted by Prince Chun. In 1912, manager Lei Shiwei asked for the four words "Guangxu Palace" written by Mr. Wu Changshuo, a master of calligraphy, painting and seal cutting, so it is also known as "Guangxu emperor's stay" or "Guangxu inn". Weishengchang successively opened 27 semicolons all over the country and closed down in 1916. Its business scope includes exchange of official funds, deposit business and loan business. The former site faces east from the West. Once entering the hospital, it covers an area of about 260 square meters and has 16 houses; The shop faces the street, 3 wide and 2 deep. It is now well preserved and known as a treasure land of Feng Shui. |